High range Volcan K105 series tractors drive can be equipped with the exclusive electronically-operated reverser, with EasyDrive® electronic handling.
The comfortable reverser lever on the left of the steering wheel allows the operator to reverse the driving direction without lifting the hands from the steering wheel and without using the clutch pedal, while keeping the vehicle control at all times and working comfortably.
This patented system is based on an electronic control unit, fully developed and produced by BCS that can calculate in real time (every 5 milliseconds) parameters such as sloping, acceleration and load.
When the drive reverser is operated, the control unit increases or decreases the machine speed, depending on the speed and the engaged ratio; the reverse is then automatically engaged, releasing the clutch progressively while reducing manoeuvring times and increasing operating safety.
To get the best 'feeling' with the tractor, the operator can change, depending on his needs, the system reactivity in 5 different levels shown on the dashboard colour display (from the softest, more gradual one to the most reactive and fast one), through the two buttons located close to the lever.
The EasyDrive® electrohydraulically-operated reverser is especially handy and easy to use for all those works requiring many direction changes, such as greenery maintenance, material handling with fork lift, snow moving works or for movements at the headland in vineyards and orchards.
The operator always works in full safety, because manual movements prevail at any time on those automatically managed by the control unit: brake and clutches pedals always prevail and, when operated, remove traction to the tractor and stop it.
The reverser diagnosis is visible on board through the dashboard display, reporting system failures with relevant fault codes or utilization errors.
Advanced aftersales service is guaranteed by telemetry of the reverser, visible thanks to the connection to the diagnosis instruments and to the integrated management on PC of the conditions of the tractor, for a real time service wherever in the world.